Call for papers
Contributions are invited on the conference within the conference scope and also on other related subjects. All contributions should be of high quality, original and not published elsewhere or submitted for publication during the review period. All papers will be reviewed by members of the International Programme Committee, and if of a high enough standard, accepted for presentation orally or by poster.
Contributions may be submitted as Short Papers or Full Papers.
Full Papers
Full papers may be submitted for publication in the conference proceedings. To ensure high quality, papers will be thoroughly reviewed by members of the conference Programme Committee.
Accepted papers will be published by prestigious publishing house, Springer Verlag, as book chapters in a volume of the new KES-Springer Series in 'Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies' and indexed in ISI conference publications, EI, INSPEC, etc.
Full Papers will be scheduled for presentation either orally or by poster, depending on their attributes and referee recommendations. Please note that poster presentations are regarded as being of equal importance and status to oral presentations.
In the case of Full Papers, an abstract of up to two pages must be submitted for initial review. If accepted, a Full Paper will be requested for inclusion in the proceedings.
Further instructions can be found on the Submission of Papers page.
Short Papers
Authors may choose to submit a contribution for presentation without the inclusion of a full paper in the Springer proceedings. In this case, a Short Paper in the form of an abstract of up to two pages, summarising the subject and content of the talk, must be submitted for consideration by the conference Programme Committee.
Short Papers will be distributed in the conference digest and scheduled for presentation either orally or by poster, depending on their attributes and referee recommendations. Please note that poster presentations are regarded as being of equal importance and status to oral presentations.
Further instructions can be found on the Submission of Papers page.
Call for Invited Sessions
Researchers who would like to organise one or more Invited Sessions on topics falling within the scope of the conference are invited to submit a proposal for consideration.
Please see the Conference Sessions page for more details.
Journal Publications
Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended versions for publication in special editions of various journals. The KES Journal (the International Journal of Knowledge Based and Intelligent Engineering Systems) will publish a special edition of papers indicating the part that intelligent systems can play in sustainability (Smart Sustainability). More details will follow.